Source code for viziphant.rasterplot

Raster and event plots of spike times

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/rasterplot/


# Copyright 2017-2022 by the Viziphant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
# License: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
import neo
from math import log10, floor

from elephant.statistics import mean_firing_rate
from viziphant.utils import check_same_units

def _round_to_1(x):
    rounded = round(x, -int(floor(log10(abs(x)))))
    return rounded, rounded > x

def _get_attributes(spiketrains, key_list):
    This function returns attribute_array which is of an array of shape
    (len(spiketrains), len(key_list)) and consists of numerical ids for each
    value of each key for each spike train.

    Passed spike trains must be already sorted according to key_list and
    key_list must not be empty.

    key_count = len(key_list)
    attribute_array = np.zeros((len(spiketrains), len(key_list)))
    # count all group sizes for all keys in key_list:
    while key_count > 0:
        key_count -= 1
        group_key = key_list[key_count]
        i = 0
        if group_key in spiketrains[i].annotations:
            current_value = spiketrains[i].annotations[group_key]
            # use placeholder value when key is not in annotations
            # of the current spike train
            current_value = '####BLANK####'
        ref_value = current_value
        values = np.array([])
        # count all group sizes for values of current key:
        while i < spiketrains.__len__():
            if not len(values) or current_value not in values:
                values = np.append(values, current_value)
            # count group size for a value of the current key:
            while i < len(spiketrains) and current_value == ref_value:
                attribute_array[i][key_count] = \
                    np.where(values == current_value)[0][0]
                i += 1
                if i < len(spiketrains):
                    if group_key in spiketrains[i].annotations:
                        current_value = spiketrains[i].annotations[
                        current_value = '####BLANK####'
            ref_value = current_value
    return attribute_array

[docs]def rasterplot_rates(spiketrains, key_list=[], groupingdepth=0, spacing=[8, 3], colorkey=0, pophist_mode='color', pophistbins=100, right_histogram=mean_firing_rate, righthist_barwidth=1.01, filter_function=None, histscale=.1, labelkey=None, markerargs={'markersize': 4, 'marker': '.'}, separatorargs=[ {'linewidth': 2, 'linestyle': '--', 'color': '0.8'}, {'linewidth': 1, 'linestyle': '--', 'color': '0.8'}], legend=False, legendargs={'loc': (.98, 1.), 'markerscale': 1.5, 'handletextpad': 0}, ax=None, style='ticks', palette=None, context=None, # paper, poster, talk ): """ This function plots the dot display of spike trains alongside its population histogram and the mean firing rate (or a custom function). Optional visual aids are offered such as sorting, grouping and color coding on the basis of the arrangement in list of spike trains and spike train annotations. Changes to optics of the dot marker, the separators and the legend can be applied by providing a dict with the respective parameters. Changes and additions to the dot display itself or the two histograms are best realized by using the returned axis handles. Parameters ---------- spiketrains: list of neo.SpikeTrain or list of list of neo.SpikeTrain List can either contain Neo SpikeTrains object or lists of Neo SpikeTrains objects. key_list: str or list of str Annotation key(s) for which the spike trains should be ordered. When list of keys is given the spike trains are ordered successively for the keys. By default the ordering by the given lists of spike trains have priority. This can be bypassed by using an empty string '' as list-key at any position in the key_list. groupingdepth: int * 0: No grouping (default) * 1: grouping by first key in key_list. Note that when list of lists of spike trains are given the first key is by the list identification key ''. If this is unwanted the empty string '' can be placed at a different position in key_list. * 2: additional grouping by second key respectively The groups are separated by whitespace specified in the spacing parameter and optionally by a line specified by the the separatorargs. spacing: int or list of int Size of whitespace separating the groups in units of spike trains. When groupingdepth == 2 a list of two values can specify the distance between the groups in level 1 and level 2. When only one value is given level 2 spacing is set to half the spacing of level 1. Default: [5, 3] colorkey: str or int (default 0) Contrasts values of a key by color. The key can be defined by its namestring or its position in key_list. Note that position 0 points to the list identification key ('') when list of lists of spike trains are given, if not otherwise specified in key_list! pophist_mode: str * total: One population histogram for all drawn spike trains * color: Additionally to the total population histogram, a histogram for each colored subset is drawn (see colorkey). pophistbins: int (default 100) Number of bins used for the population histogram. right_histogram: function The function gets ONE neo.SpikeTrain object as argument and has to return a scalar. For example the functions in the elephant.statistics module can be used. (default: mean_firing_rate) When a function is applied is is recommended to set the axis label accordingly by using the axis handle returned by the function: axhisty.set_xlabel('Label Name') righthist_barwidth: float (default 1.01) The bin width of the right side histogram. filter_function: function The function gets ONE neo.SpikeTrain object as argument and if the return is True the spike train is included; if False it is exluded. histscale: float (default .1) Portion of the figure used for the histograms on the right and upper side. labelkey: int or string or None * 0, 1: Set label according to first or second key in key_list. Note that the first key is by default the list identification key ('') when list of lists of spike trains are given. * '0+1': Two level labeling of 0 and 1 * annotation-key: Labeling each spike train with its value for given key * None: No labeling Note that only groups (-> see groupingdepth) can be labeled as bulks. Alternatively you can color for an annotation key and show a legend. markerargs: dict Arguments dictionary is passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() separatorargs: dict or list of dict or None If only one dict is given and groupingdepth == 2 the arguments are applied to the separator of both level. Otherwise the arguments are of separatorargs[0] are applied to the level 1 and [1] to level 2. Arguments dictionary is passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() To turn of separators set it to None. legend: bool Show legend? legendargs: dict Arguments dictionary is passed on to matplotlib.pyplot.legend() ax: matplotlib axis or None (default) The axis onto which to plot. If None a new figure is created. When an axis is given, the function can't handle the figure settings. Therefore it is recommended to call seaborn.set() with your preferred settings before creating your matplotlib figure in order to control your plotting layout. style: str seaborn style setting. Default: 'ticks' palette: str or sequence Define the color palette either by its name or use a custom palette in a sequence of the form ([r,g,b],[r,g,b],...). context: str 'paper'(default) | 'talk' | 'poster' seaborn context setting which controls the scaling of labels. For the three options the parameters are scaled by .8, 1.3, and 1.6 respectively. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The handle of the dot display plot. axhistx : matplotlib.axes.Axes The handle of the histogram plot above the the dot display axhisty : matplotlib.axes.Axes The handle of the histogram plot on the right hand side See Also -------- rasterplot : simplified raster plot eventplot : plot spike times in vertical stripes Examples -------- 1. Basic Example. .. plot:: :include-source: from elephant.spike_train_generation import \ homogeneous_poisson_process, homogeneous_gamma_process import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot_rates spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10 * pq.Hz) for _ in range(100)] rasterplot_rates(spiketrains) 2. Plot visually separated realizations of different neurons. .. plot:: :include-source: from elephant.spike_train_generation import \ homogeneous_poisson_process, homogeneous_gamma_process import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot_rates spiketrains1 = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10 * pq.Hz) for _ in range(100)] spiketrains2 = [homogeneous_gamma_process(a=3, b=10 * pq.Hz) for _ in range(100)] rasterplot_rates([spiketrains1, spiketrains2]) 3. Add annotations to spike trains. .. plot:: :include-source: from elephant.spike_train_generation import \ homogeneous_poisson_process, homogeneous_gamma_process import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot_rates spiketrains1 = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10 * pq.Hz) for _ in range(100)] spiketrains2 = [homogeneous_gamma_process(a=3, b=10 * pq.Hz) for _ in range(100)] for i, (st1, st2) in enumerate(zip(spiketrains1, spiketrains2)): if i % 2 == 1: st1.annotations['parity'] = 'odd' st2.annotations['parity'] = 'odd' else: st1.annotations['parity'] = 'even' st2.annotations['parity'] = 'even' # plot separates the lists and the annotation values within each list rasterplot_rates([spiketrains1, spiketrains2], key_list=['parity'], groupingdepth=2, labelkey='0+1') ``''`` key change the priority of the list grouping: .. code-block:: python rasterplot_rates([spiketrains1, spiketrains2], key_list=['parity', ''], groupingdepth=2, labelkey='0+1') Groups can also be emphasized by an explicit color mode: .. code-block:: python rasterplot_rates([spiketrains1, spiketrains2], key_list=['', 'parity'], groupingdepth=1, labelkey=0, colorkey='parity', legend=True) """ # Initialize plotting canvas sns.set_style(style) if context is not None: sns.set_context(context) if palette is not None: sns.set_palette(palette) else: palette = sns.color_palette() if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # axis must be created after sns.set() command for style to apply! margin = 1 - histscale left, bottom, width, height = ax.get_position().bounds ax.set_position([left, bottom, margin * width, margin * height]) axhistx = plt.axes([left, bottom + margin * height, margin * width, histscale * height]) axhisty = plt.axes([left + margin * width, bottom, histscale * width, margin * height]) sns.despine(ax=axhistx) sns.despine(ax=axhisty) # Whitespace margin around dot display = 2% ws_margin = 0.02 # Control of user entries if groupingdepth > 2: raise ValueError("Grouping is limited to two layers.") groupingdepth = int(groupingdepth) list_key = r"%$\@[#*&/!" # unique key to be added to annotations to store # list ordering information. if type(key_list) == 'str': key_list = [key_list] if '' not in key_list: key_list = [list_key] + key_list else: key_list = [list_key if not key else key for key in key_list] if type(spacing) == list: if len(spacing) == 1: spacing = [spacing[0], spacing[0] / 2.] else: spacing = [spacing, spacing / 2.] if spacing[0] < spacing[1]: raise DeprecationWarning("For reasonable visual aid, spacing between " "top level group (spacing[0]) must be larger " "than for subgroups (spacing[1]).") if type(colorkey) == int and len(key_list): if colorkey >= len(key_list): raise IndexError("An integer colorkey must refer to a position in " "key_list.") colorkey = key_list[colorkey] else: if not colorkey: colorkey = list_key elif colorkey not in key_list: raise AttributeError("colorkey must be in key_list.") if legend and not key_list: raise AttributeError("Legend requires a non empty key_list.") if labelkey == '': labelkey = list_key if type(separatorargs) == list: if len(separatorargs) == 1: separatorargs += separatorargs for args in separatorargs: if type(args) != dict: raise TypeError("The parameters must be given as dict.") else: separatorargs = [separatorargs, separatorargs] for i, args in enumerate(separatorargs): if 'c' in args: separatorargs[i]['color'] = args['c'] elif 'color' not in args: separatorargs[i]['color'] = '0.8' markerargs['linestyle'] = '' # Flatten list of lists while keeping the grouping info in annotations if isinstance(spiketrains[0], list): for list_nbr, st_list in enumerate(spiketrains): for st in st_list: st.annotations[list_key] = "set {}".format(list_nbr) spiketrains = [st for sublist in spiketrains for st in sublist] else: for st in spiketrains: st.annotations[list_key] = "set {}".format(0) key_list.remove(list_key) key_list.append(list_key) # Input checks on flattened lists if len(key_list) < groupingdepth: raise ValueError("Can't group more as keys in key_list.") # Filter spike trains according to given filter function if filter_function is not None: filter_index = [] for st_count, spiketrain in enumerate(spiketrains): if filter_function(spiketrain): filter_index += [st_count] spiketrains = [spiketrains[i] for i in filter_index] # Initialize plotting parameters t_lims = [(st.t_start, st.t_stop) for st in spiketrains] tmin = min(t_lims, key=lambda f: f[0])[0] tmax = max(t_lims, key=lambda f: f[1])[1] period = tmax - tmin ax.set_xlim(tmin - ws_margin * period, tmax + ws_margin * period) yticks = np.zeros(len(spiketrains)) # Sort spike trains according to keylist def sort_func(x): return ['' if key not in x.annotations else x.annotations[key] for key in key_list] spiketrains = sorted(spiketrains, key=lambda x: sort_func(x)) if len(key_list) > 1: attribute_array = _get_attributes(spiketrains, key_list) elif len(key_list) == 1: attribute_array = np.zeros((len(spiketrains), 2)) attribute_array[:, 0] = _get_attributes(spiketrains, key_list)[:, 0] else: attribute_array = np.zeros((len(spiketrains), 1)) # Define colormap if not len(key_list): nbr_of_colors = 1 colorkey = None else: colorkey = np.where(colorkey == np.array(key_list))[0][0] nbr_of_colors = int(max(attribute_array[:, colorkey]) + 1) colormap = sns.color_palette(palette, nbr_of_colors) # Draw population histogram (upper side) colorkeyvalues = np.unique(attribute_array[:, colorkey]) if pophist_mode == 'color' and len(colorkeyvalues) - 1: if len(sns.color_palette()) < len(colorkeyvalues): warnings.warn("There are more subsets than can be separated by " "colors in the color palette which might lead to " "confusion") max_y = 0 for value in colorkeyvalues: idx = np.where(attribute_array[:, colorkey] == value)[0] histout = axhistx.hist( np.concatenate([spiketrains[i] for i in idx]), pophistbins, histtype='step', linewidth=1, color=colormap[int(value)]) max_y = np.max([max_y, np.max(histout[0])]) else: # pophist_mode == 'total': if len(colorkeyvalues) - 1: sum_color = separatorargs[0]['color'] else: sum_color = sns.color_palette()[0] histout = axhistx.hist(np.concatenate(spiketrains), pophistbins, histtype='step', linewidth=1, color=sum_color) max_y = np.max(histout[0]) # Set ticks and labels for population histogram axhistx_ydim, up = _round_to_1(max_y) if max_y > axhistx.get_ylim()[-1]: axhistx.set_ylim(0, max_y) if up and axhistx_ydim > max_y: axhistx.set_ylim(0, axhistx_ydim) axhistx.set_yticks([axhistx_ydim]) axhistx.set_yticklabels(['{:.0f}'.format(axhistx_ydim)]) axhistx.set_ylabel('count') # Legend for colorkey if legend: __, index = np.unique(attribute_array[:, colorkey], return_index=True) legend_labels = [spiketrains[i].annotations[key_list[colorkey]] for i in index] legend_handles = [0] * len(index) # Reshape list into sublists according to groupingdepth if groupingdepth > 0: value1, index1, counts1 = np.unique(attribute_array[:, 0], return_index=True, return_counts=True) for v1, i1, c1 in zip(value1, index1, counts1): v1 = int(v1) spiketrains[v1:v1 + c1] = [spiketrains[v1:v1 + c1]] if groupingdepth > 1: __, counts2 = np.unique(attribute_array[i1:i1 + c1, 1], return_counts=True) for v2, c2 in enumerate(counts2): v2 = int(v2) spiketrains[v1][v2:v2 + c2] = [ spiketrains[v1][v2:v2 + c2]] else: spiketrains[v1] = [spiketrains[v1]] else: spiketrains = [[spiketrains]] # HIERARCHIE: # [ [ []..[] ] .... [ []..[] ] ] spiketrains # [ []..[] ] LIST # [] list # spike train # Loop through lists of lists of spike trains for COUNT, SLIST in enumerate(spiketrains): # Separator depth 1 if COUNT and separatorargs is not None: linepos = ypos + len(spiketrains[COUNT - 1][-1]) \ + spacing[0] / 2. - 0.5 ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [linepos] * 2, **separatorargs[0]) # Loop through lists of spike trains for count, slist in enumerate(SLIST): nbr_of_drawn_sts = int( sum(len(sl) for SL in spiketrains[:COUNT] for sl in SL) + sum(len(sl) for sl in SLIST[:count])) # Calculate postition of next spike train to draw prev_spaces = np.sum([len(SLIST_it) - 1 for SLIST_it in spiketrains[:COUNT]]) ypos = nbr_of_drawn_sts + int( bool(groupingdepth)) * COUNT * spacing[0] \ + groupingdepth / 2 * count * spacing[1] \ + groupingdepth / 2 * prev_spaces * spacing[1] # Separator depth 2 if count and separatorargs is not None: linepos = ypos - (spacing[1] + 1) / 2. ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [linepos] * 2, **separatorargs[1]) # Loop through spike trains for st_count, st in enumerate(slist): current_st = nbr_of_drawn_sts + st_count annotation_value = int(attribute_array[current_st, colorkey]) color = colormap[annotation_value] # Dot display handle = ax.plot(st.times.magnitude, [st_count + ypos] * st.__len__(), color=color, **markerargs) if legend: legend_handles[annotation_value] = handle[0] # Right side histogram bar barvalue = right_histogram(st) barwidth = righthist_barwidth axhisty.barh(y=st_count + ypos, # - barwidth/2., width=barvalue, height=barwidth, color=color, edgecolor=color) # Append positions of spike trains to tick list ycoords = np.arange(len(slist)) + ypos yticks[nbr_of_drawn_sts:nbr_of_drawn_sts + len(slist)] = ycoords # Plotting axis yrange = yticks[-1] - yticks[0] ax.set_ylim(yticks[0] - ws_margin * yrange, yticks[-1] + ws_margin * yrange) axhistx.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) axhisty.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) ax.set_xlabel(f'Time ({spiketrains[0][0][0].units.dimensionality})') axhistx.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axhisty.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Set ticks and labels for right side histogram axhisty_xdim, up = _round_to_1(axhisty.get_xlim()[-1]) if up: axhistx.set_ylim(0, axhistx_ydim) axhisty.set_xticks([axhisty_xdim]) axhisty.set_xticklabels(['{}'.format(axhisty_xdim)]) # Y labeling if key_list and labelkey in key_list + [0, 1, '0+1']: if labelkey == key_list[0]: if groupingdepth > 0: labelkey = 0 elif len(key_list) > 1 and labelkey == key_list[1]: if groupingdepth > 1: labelkey = 1 if type(labelkey) == int or labelkey == '0+1': labelpos = [[] for label_level in range(2)] labelname = [[] for label_level in range(2)] # Labeling depth 1 + 2 if groupingdepth: values1, index1, counts1 = np.unique(attribute_array[:, 0], return_index=True, return_counts=True) for v1, i1, c1 in zip(values1, index1, counts1): st = spiketrains[int(v1)][0][0] if key_list[0] in st.annotations: labelname[0] += [st.annotations[key_list[0]]] if labelkey == '0+1': labelname[0][-1] += ' ' * 5 else: labelname[0] += [''] labelpos[0] += [(yticks[i1] + yticks[i1 + c1 - 1]) / 2.] # Labeling depth 2 if groupingdepth / 2 and labelkey and len(key_list) - 1: __, index2, counts2 = np.unique( attribute_array[i1:i1 + c1, 1], return_index=True, return_counts=True) for v2, (i2, c2) in enumerate(zip(index2, counts2)): st = spiketrains[int(v1)][int(v2)][0] if key_list[1] in st.annotations: labelname[1] += [st.annotations[key_list[1]]] else: labelname[1] += [''] labelpos[1] += [(yticks[i1 + i2] + yticks[ i1 + i2 + c2 - 1]) / 2.] # Set labels according to labelkey if type(labelkey) == int: ax.set_yticks(labelpos[1] if labelkey else labelpos[0]) ax.set_yticklabels(labelname[1] if labelkey else labelname[0]) elif labelkey == "0+1": ax.set_yticks(labelpos[0] + labelpos[1]) ax.set_yticklabels(labelname[0] + labelname[1]) else: # Annotatation key as labelkey labelname = [] for COUNT, SLIST in enumerate(spiketrains): for count, slist in enumerate(SLIST): for st_count, st in enumerate(slist): if labelkey in st.annotations: labelname += [st.annotations[labelkey]] else: labelname += [''] ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(labelname) else: ax.set_yticks([]) # Draw legend if legend: ax.legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, **legendargs) # Remove list_key from annotations for SLIST in spiketrains: for slist in SLIST: for st in slist: st.annotations.pop(list_key, None) return ax, axhistx, axhisty
[docs]def rasterplot(spiketrains, axes=None, histogram_bins=0, title=None, color=None, **kwargs): """ Simple and fast raster plot of spike times. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list of neo.SpikeTrain or pq.Quantity A list of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects or quantity arrays with spike times. axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Matplotlib axes handle. If None, new axes are created and returned. Default: None histogram_bins : int, optional Defines the number of histogram bins. If set to ``0``, no histogram is shown. Default: 0 title : str or None, optional The axes title. Default: None color : str or list of str or None, optional Raster colors. Default: None **kwargs Additional parameters passed to matplotlib `scatter` function. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.Axes.axes See Also -------- rasterplot_rates : advanced raster plot eventplot : plot spike times in vertical stripes Examples -------- 1. Basic example. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot np.random.seed(7) spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) for _ in range(10)] rasterplot(spiketrains, s=3, c='black') 2. Raster plot with a histogram and events. .. plot:: :include-source: import neo import numpy as np import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from viziphant.rasterplot import rasterplot from import add_event np.random.seed(7) spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=r * pq.Hz, t_stop=10 * pq.s) for r in range(1, 21)] event = neo.Event([0.5, 2.8] * pq.s, labels=['Trig ON', 'Trig OFF']) axes = rasterplot(spiketrains, histogram_bins=50, title='Title', s=0.5) add_event(axes, event=event) """ if isinstance(spiketrains[0], neo.SpikeTrain): spiketrains = [spiketrains] spiketrains = list(filter(len, spiketrains)) check_same_units(spiketrains) units = spiketrains[0][0].units if color is None: color = kwargs.pop('c', None) if not isinstance(color, (list, tuple)): color = [color] * len(spiketrains) if axes is None: nrows = 2 if histogram_bins else 1 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=1) count = 0 histtype = 'bar' if len(spiketrains) == 1 else 'step' for sts_population, c in zip(spiketrains, color): sts_population = [st.magnitude for st in sts_population] axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) times_population = np.hstack(sts_population) ys = np.hstack([np.repeat(i + count, repeats=len(st)) for i, st in enumerate(sts_population)]) axes[0].scatter(times_population, ys, c=c, **kwargs) if histogram_bins: axes[1].hist(times_population, bins=histogram_bins, histtype=histtype, color=c) count += len(sts_population) axes[0].set_yticks([0, count - 1]) axes[0].set_title(title) if histogram_bins: axes[1].set_ylabel("Spike count") axes[-1].set_xlabel(f"Time ({units.dimensionality})") if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] return axes
[docs]def eventplot(spiketrains, axes=None, histogram_bins=0, title=None, **kwargs): """ Spike times eventplot with an additional histogram. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list of neo.SpikeTrain or pq.Quantity A list of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects or quantity arrays with spike times. axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None Matplotlib axes handle. If None, new axes are created and returned. Default: None histogram_bins : int, optional Defines the number of histogram bins. If set to ``0``, no histogram is shown. Default: 0 title : str or None, optional The axes title. Default: None **kwargs Additional parameters passed to matplotlib `eventplot` function. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes See Also -------- rasterplot : simplified raster plot rasterplot_rates : advanced raster plot Examples -------- Basic spike times eventplot. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from viziphant.rasterplot import eventplot np.random.seed(12) spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) for _ in range(10)] eventplot(spiketrains, linelengths=0.75, color='black') To plot with a histogram, provide a value for ``histogram_bins``. To compare spike times between different neurons, create `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance prior to calling the function. Additionally, you can add events to the plot with :func:`` function. .. plot:: :include-source: import neo import numpy as np import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from viziphant.rasterplot import eventplot from import add_event np.random.seed(12) spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=5*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) for _ in range(20)] fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey='row') event = neo.Event([0.5, 8]*pq.s, labels=['trig0', 'trig1']) eventplot(spiketrains[:10], axes=axes[:, 0], histogram_bins=20, title="Neuron A", linelengths=0.75, linewidths=1) add_event(axes[:, 0], event) eventplot(spiketrains[10:], axes=axes[:, 1], histogram_bins=20, title="Neuron B", linelengths=0.75, linewidths=1) add_event(axes[:, 1], event) """ check_same_units(spiketrains) units = spiketrains[0].units spiketrains = [st.magnitude for st in spiketrains] if axes is None: nrows = 2 if histogram_bins else 1 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=1) axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) axes[0].eventplot(spiketrains, **kwargs) axes[0].set_yticks([0, len(spiketrains) - 1]) axes[0].set_title(title) if histogram_bins: axes[1].hist(np.hstack(spiketrains), bins=histogram_bins) axes[1].set_ylabel("Spike count") axes[-1].set_xlabel(f"Time ({units.dimensionality})") if len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] return axes