Source code for viziphant.spike_train_correlation

Spike train correlation plots

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/spike_train_correlation/


# Copyright 2017-2022 by the Viziphant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
# License: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt.txt for details.

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable, axes_size

from elephant.utils import check_neo_consistency

[docs]def plot_corrcoef(corrcoef_matrix, axes=None, correlation_range='auto', colormap='bwr', colorbar_aspect=20, colorbar_padding_fraction=0.5, remove_diagonal=True): """ Plots a cross-correlation matrix returned by :func:`elephant.spike_train_correlation.correlation_coefficient` function with a color bar. Parameters ---------- corrcoef_matrix : np.ndarray Pearson's correlation coefficient matrix axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Matplotlib axes handle. If None, new axes are created and returned. Default: None correlation_range : {'auto', 'full'} or tuple of float, optional Minimum and maximum correlations to consider for color mapping. If tuple, the first element is the minimum and the second element is the maximum correlation. If 'auto', the maximum absolute value of the non-diagonal coefficients will be used symmetrically as minimum and maximum. If 'full', maximum correlation is set at 1.0 and minimum at -1.0. Default: 'auto' colormap : str, optional Colormap. Default: 'bwr' colorbar_aspect : float, optional Aspect ratio of the color bar. Default: 20 colorbar_padding_fraction : float, optional Padding between matrix plot and color bar relative to color bar width. Default: 0.5 remove_diagonal : bool, optional If True, the values in the main diagonal are replaced with zeros. Default: True Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Raises ------ ValueError If `correlation_range` is not tuple or 'auto' or 'full'. Examples -------- Create 10 homogeneous random Poisson spike trains of rate `10Hz` and bin the spikes into bins of `100ms` width, which is relatively large for such a firing rate, so we expect non-zero correlations. .. plot:: :include-source: import quantities as pq from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain from elephant.spike_train_correlation import correlation_coefficient from viziphant.spike_train_correlation import plot_corrcoef np.random.seed(0) spiketrains = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) for _ in range(10)] binned_spiketrains = BinnedSpikeTrain(spiketrains, bin_size=100* corrcoef_matrix = correlation_coefficient(binned_spiketrains) fig, axes = plt.subplots() plot_corrcoef(corrcoef_matrix, axes=axes) axes.set_xlabel('Neuron') axes.set_ylabel('Neuron') axes.set_title("Correlation coefficient matrix") """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots() if remove_diagonal: corrcoef_matrix = corrcoef_matrix.copy() np.fill_diagonal(corrcoef_matrix, val=0) # Get limits if correlation_range == 'full': vmin, vmax = -1, 1 elif correlation_range == 'auto': vmax = np.max(np.abs(corrcoef_matrix)) vmin = -vmax elif isinstance(correlation_range, (tuple, list)): vmin, vmax = correlation_range else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'correlation_range' ({correlation_range}). " f"Must be a tuple of float values or 'auto'/'full'.") image = axes.imshow(corrcoef_matrix, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=colormap) # Initialise colour bar axis divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) width = axes_size.AxesY(axes, aspect=1. / colorbar_aspect) pad = axes_size.Fraction(colorbar_padding_fraction, width) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) plt.colorbar(image, cax=cax) return axes
[docs]def plot_cross_correlation_histogram(cch, axes=None, units=None, maxlag=None, legend=None, title='Cross-correlation histogram'): """ Plot a cross-correlation histogram returned by :func:`elephant.spike_train_correlation.cross_correlation_histogram`, rescaled to seconds. Parameters ---------- cch : neo.AnalogSignal or list of neo.AnalogSignal Cross-correlation histogram or a list of such. axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional Matplotlib axes handle. If set to None, new axes are created and returned. Default: None units : pq.Quantity or str or None, optional Desired time axis units. If None, ``cch.sampling_period`` units are used. Default: None maxlag : pq.Quantity or None, optional Left and right borders of the plot. Default: None legend : str or list of str or None, optional The axes legend labels. Default: None title : str, optional The axes title. Default: 'Cross-correlation histogram' Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain from elephant.spike_train_correlation import \ cross_correlation_histogram from viziphant.spike_train_correlation import \ plot_cross_correlation_histogram spiketrain1 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) spiketrain2 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10*pq.s) binned_spiketrain1 = BinnedSpikeTrain(spiketrain1, bin_size=100* binned_spiketrain2 = BinnedSpikeTrain(spiketrain2, bin_size=100* cch, lags = cross_correlation_histogram(binned_spiketrain1, binned_spiketrain2) plot_cross_correlation_histogram(cch) """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots() if isinstance(cch, neo.AnalogSignal): cch = [cch] check_neo_consistency(cch, object_type=neo.AnalogSignal) if units is None: units = cch[0].sampling_period.units elif isinstance(units, str): units = pq.Quantity(1, units) if legend is None: legend = [None] * len(cch) elif isinstance(legend, str): legend = [legend] if len(legend) != len(cch): raise ValueError("The length of the input list and legend labels do " "not match.") for label, signal in zip(legend, cch): cch_times = signal.times.rescale(units).magnitude axes.plot(cch_times, signal.magnitude, label=label) axes.set_ylabel(cch[0].annotations['cch_parameters']['normalization']) axes.set_xlabel(f"Time lag ({units.dimensionality})") axes.set_title(title) if maxlag is not None: maxlag = maxlag.rescale(units).magnitude axes.set_xlim(-maxlag, maxlag) if legend[0] is not None: axes.legend() return axes