Source code for viziphant.unitary_event_analysis

Unitary Event Analysis (UEA) plots

Standard plot function for pairwise unitary event analysis results resembling
the original publication. The output is assumed to be from
:func:`elephant.unitary_event_analysis.jointJ_window_analysis` function.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/unitary_event_analysis/


# Copyright 2017-2022 by the Viziphant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
# License: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt.txt for details.

import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import string
import elephant.unitary_event_analysis as ue
from collections import namedtuple

FigureUE = namedtuple("FigureUE", ['axes_spike_events',

plot_params_default = {
    # epochs to be marked on the time axis
    'events': {},
    # figure size
    'figsize': (10, 12),
    # right margin
    'right': 0.9,
    # top margin
    'top': 0.9,
    # bottom margin
    'bottom': 0.1,
    # left margin
    'left': 0.1,
    # horizontal white space between subplots
    'hspace': 0.5,
    # width white space between subplots
    'wspace': 0.5,
    # font size
    'fsize': 12,
    # the actual unit ids from the experimental recording
    'unit_real_ids': None,
    # line width
    'lw': 2,
    # marker size for the UEs and coincidences
    'ms': 5,
    # figure title
    'suptitle': None,

[docs]def plot_ue(spiketrains, Js_dict, significance_level=0.05, **plot_params): """ Plots the results of pairwise unitary event analysis as a column of six subplots, comprised of raster plot, peri-stimulus time histogram, coincident event plot, coincidence rate plot, significance plot and unitary event plot, respectively. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list of list of neo.SpikeTrain A nested list of trials, neurons and their neo.SpikeTrain objects, respectively. This should be identical to the one used to generate Js_dict. Js_dict : dict The output of :func:`elephant.unitary_event_analysis.jointJ_window_analysis` function. The values of each key has the shape of: * different window --> 0-axis. * different pattern hash --> 1-axis; Dictionary keys: 'Js': list of float JointSurprise of different given patterns within each window. 'indices': list of list of int A list of indices of pattern within each window. 'n_emp': list of int The empirical number of each observed pattern. 'n_exp': list of float The expected number of each pattern. 'rate_avg': list of float The average firing rate of each neuron. significance_level : float The significance threshold used to determine which coincident events are classified as unitary events within a window. **plot_params User-defined plotting parameters used to update the default plotting parameter values. The valid keys: 'events' : dict Epochs to be marked on the time axis. 'figsize' : tuple of int The dimensions for the figure size. 'right' : float The size of the right margin. 'top' : float The size of the top margin. 'bottom' : float The size of the bottom margin. 'left' : float The size of the left margin. 'hspace' : flaot The size of the horizontal white space between subplots. 'wspace' : float The width of the white space between subplots. 'fsize' : int The size of the font. 'unit_real_ids' : list of int The unit ids from the experimental recording. 'lw' : int The default line width. 'ms' : int The marker size for the unitary events and coincidences. Returns ------- result : FigureUE The container for Axes objects generated by the function. Individual axes can be accessed using the following identifiers: * axes_spike_events : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the spike events subplot. * axes_spike_rates : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the spike rates subplot. * axes_coincident_events : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the coincident events subplot. * axes_coincidence_rates : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the coincidence rates subplot. * axes_significance : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the statistical significance subplot. * axes_unitary_events : matplotlib.axes.Axes Contains the elements of the unitary events subplot. Examples -------- Unitary Events of homogenous Poisson random processes. Since we don't expect to find significant correlations in random processes, we show non-significant events (``significance_level=0.34``). Typically, in your analyses, the significant level threshold is ~0.05. .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import quantities as pq import viziphant from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from elephant.unitary_event_analysis import jointJ_window_analysis np.random.seed(10) spiketrains1 = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=20 * pq.Hz, t_stop=2 * pq.s) for _ in range(5)] spiketrains2 = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=50 * pq.Hz, t_stop=2 * pq.s) for _ in range(5)] spiketrains = np.stack((spiketrains1, spiketrains2), axis=1) ue_dict = jointJ_window_analysis(spiketrains, bin_size=5 *, win_size=100 *, win_step=10 * viziphant.unitary_event_analysis.plot_ue(spiketrains, Js_dict=ue_dict, significance_level=0.34, unit_real_ids=['1', '2']) Refer to `UEA Tutorial < tutorials/unitary_event_analysis.html>`_ for real-case scenario. """ n_trials = len(spiketrains) n_neurons = len(spiketrains[0]) input_parameters = Js_dict['input_parameters'] t_start = input_parameters['t_start'] t_stop = input_parameters['t_stop'] bin_size = input_parameters['bin_size'] win_size = input_parameters['win_size'] win_step = input_parameters['win_step'] pattern_hash = input_parameters['pattern_hash'] if len(pattern_hash) > 1: raise ValueError(f"To not clutter the plots, only one pattern hash is " f"required; got {pattern_hash}. You can call this " f"function multiple times for each hash at a time.") for key in ['Js', 'n_emp', 'n_exp', 'rate_avg']: Js_dict[key] = Js_dict[key].squeeze() neurons_participated = ue.inverse_hash_from_pattern(pattern_hash, N=n_neurons).squeeze() t_winpos = ue._winpos(t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, win_size=win_size, win_step=win_step) Js_sig = ue.jointJ(significance_level) # figure format plot_params_user = plot_params plot_params = plot_params_default.copy() plot_params.update(plot_params_user) if plot_params['unit_real_ids'] is None: plot_params['unit_real_ids'] = ['not specified'] * n_neurons if len(plot_params['unit_real_ids']) != n_neurons: raise ValueError('length of unit_ids should be ' + 'equal to number of neurons!') plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': plot_params['fsize']}) ls = '-' alpha = 0.5 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, sharex=True, figsize=plot_params['figsize']) axes[5].get_shared_y_axes().join(axes[0], axes[2], axes[5]) for ax in (axes[0], axes[2], axes[5]): for n in range(n_neurons): for tr, data_tr in enumerate(spiketrains): ax.plot(data_tr[n].rescale('ms').magnitude, np.full_like(data_tr[n].magnitude, fill_value=n * n_trials + tr), '.', markersize=0.5, color='k') for n in range(1, n_neurons): # subtract 0.5 to separate the raster plots; # otherwise, the line crosses the raster spikes ax.axhline(n * n_trials - 0.5, lw=0.5, color='k') ymax = max(ax.get_ylim()[1], 2 * n_trials - 0.5) ax.set_ylim([-0.5, ymax]) ax.set_yticks([n_trials - 0.5, 2 * n_trials - 0.5]) ax.set_yticklabels([1, n_trials], fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) ax.set_ylabel('Trial', fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.set_xlim([t_winpos[0], t_winpos[-1] + win_size]) ax.text(-0.05, 1.1, string.ascii_uppercase[i], transform=ax.transAxes, size=plot_params['fsize'] + 5, weight='bold') for key in plot_params['events'].keys(): for event_time in plot_params['events'][key]: ax.axvline(event_time, ls=ls, color='r', lw=plot_params['lw'], alpha=alpha) axes[0].set_title('Spike Events') axes[0].text(1.0, 1.0, f"Unit {plot_params['unit_real_ids'][-1]}", fontsize=plot_params['fsize'] // 2, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=axes[0].transAxes) axes[0].text(1.0, 0, f"Unit {plot_params['unit_real_ids'][0]}", fontsize=plot_params['fsize'] // 2, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes[0].transAxes) axes[1].set_title('Spike Rates') for n in range(n_neurons): axes[1].plot(t_winpos + win_size / 2., Js_dict['rate_avg'][:, n].rescale('Hz'), label=f"Unit {plot_params['unit_real_ids'][n]}", lw=plot_params['lw']) axes[1].set_ylabel('Hz', fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) axes[1].legend(fontsize=plot_params['fsize'] // 2, loc='upper right') axes[1].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=3) axes[2].set_title('Coincident Events') for n in range(n_neurons): if not neurons_participated[n]: continue for tr, data_tr in enumerate(spiketrains): indices = np.unique(Js_dict['indices'][f'trial{tr}']) axes[2].plot(indices * bin_size, np.full_like(indices, fill_value=n * n_trials + tr), ls='', ms=plot_params['ms'], marker='s', markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor='c') axes[2].set_ylabel('Trial', fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) axes[3].set_title('Coincidence Rates') axes[3].plot(t_winpos + win_size / 2., Js_dict['n_emp'] / ( win_size.rescale('s').magnitude * n_trials), label='Empirical', lw=plot_params['lw'], color='c') axes[3].plot(t_winpos + win_size / 2., Js_dict['n_exp'] / ( win_size.rescale('s').magnitude * n_trials), label='Expected', lw=plot_params['lw'], color='m') axes[3].set_ylabel('Hz', fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) axes[3].legend(fontsize=plot_params['fsize'] // 2, loc='upper right') axes[3].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=3) axes[4].set_title('Statistical Significance') axes[4].plot(t_winpos + win_size / 2., Js_dict['Js'], lw=plot_params['lw'], color='k') axes[4].axhline(Js_sig, ls='-', color='r') axes[4].axhline(-Js_sig, ls='-', color='g') xlim_ax4 = axes[4].get_xlim()[1] alpha_pos_text = axes[4].text(xlim_ax4, Js_sig, r'$\alpha +$', color='r', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') alpha_neg_text = axes[4].text(xlim_ax4, -Js_sig, r'$\alpha -$', color='g', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') axes[4].set_yticks([ue.jointJ(1 - significance_level), ue.jointJ(0.5), ue.jointJ(significance_level)]) # Try '1 - 0.34' to see the floating point errors axes[4].set_yticklabels(np.round([1 - significance_level, 0.5, significance_level], decimals=6)) # autoscale fix to mind the text positions. # See # matplotlib-autoscale-axes-to-include-annotations plt.get_current_fig_manager().canvas.draw() for text_handle in (alpha_pos_text, alpha_neg_text): bbox = text_handle.get_window_extent() bbox_data = bbox.transformed(axes[4].transData.inverted()) axes[4].update_datalim(bbox_data.corners(), updatex=False) axes[4].autoscale_view() mask_nonnan = ~np.isnan(Js_dict['Js']) significant_win_idx = np.nonzero(Js_dict['Js'][mask_nonnan] >= Js_sig)[0] t_winpos_significant = t_winpos[mask_nonnan][significant_win_idx] axes[5].set_title('Unitary Events') if len(t_winpos_significant) > 0: for n in range(n_neurons): if not neurons_participated[n]: continue for tr, data_tr in enumerate(spiketrains): indices = np.unique(Js_dict['indices'][f'trial{tr}']) indices_significant = [] for t_sig in t_winpos_significant: mask = (indices * bin_size >= t_sig ) & (indices * bin_size < t_sig + win_size) indices_significant.append(indices[mask]) indices_significant = np.hstack(indices_significant) indices_significant = np.unique(indices_significant) # does nothing if indices_significant is empty axes[5].plot(indices_significant * bin_size, np.full_like(indices_significant, fill_value=n * n_trials + tr), ms=plot_params['ms'], marker='s', ls='', mfc='none', mec='r') axes[5].set_xlabel(f'Time ({t_winpos.dimensionality})', fontsize=plot_params['fsize']) for key in plot_params['events'].keys(): for event_time in plot_params['events'][key]: axes[5].text(event_time - 10 *, axes[5].get_ylim()[0] - 35, key, fontsize=plot_params['fsize'], color='r') plt.suptitle(plot_params['suptitle'], fontsize=20) plt.subplots_adjust(top=plot_params['top'], right=plot_params['right'], left=plot_params['left'], bottom=plot_params['bottom'], hspace=plot_params['hspace'], wspace=plot_params['wspace']) axes = FigureUE(*axes) return axes