Source code for viziphant.gpfa

Gaussian Process Factor Analysis (GPFA) plots

Visualizes transformed trajectories output from

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/gpfa/

# Copyright 2017-2022 by the Viziphant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
# License: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

import itertools
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import neo
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain
from elephant.utils import check_neo_consistency

[docs]def plot_cumulative_shared_covariance(loading_matrix): """ This function plots the cumulative shared covariance. It allows to visually identify an appropriate number of dimensions which is small on the one hand, but explains a substantial part of the variance in the data on the other hand. Parameters ---------- loading_matrix : np.ndarray The loading matrix defines the mapping between neural space and latent state space. It is obtained by fitting a GPFA model and stored in ``GPFA.params_estimated['C']`` or if orthonormalized ``GPFA.params_estimated['Corth']``. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(, loading_matrix)) total_variance = np.sum(eigenvalues) # sort by decreasing variance explained sorted_eigenvalues = np.sort(np.abs(eigenvalues))[-1::-1] cumulative_variance = np.cumsum(sorted_eigenvalues / total_variance) fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.plot(cumulative_variance, 'o-') axes.grid() axes.set_title('Eigenspectrum of estimated shared covariance matrix') axes.set_xlabel('Latent Dimensionality') axes.set_ylabel('Cumulative % of shared variance explained') return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_transform_matrix(loading_matrix, cmap='RdYlGn'): """ This function visualizes the loading matrix as a heatmap. Parameters ---------- loading_matrix : np.ndarray The loading matrix defines the mapping between neural space and latent state space. It is obtained by fitting a GPFA model and stored in ``GPFA.params_estimated['C']`` or if orthonormalized ``GPFA.params_estimated['Corth']``. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib imshow colormap. Default: 'RdYlGn' Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ fig, axes = plt.subplots() vmax = np.max(np.abs(loading_matrix)) vmin = -vmax heatmap = axes.imshow(loading_matrix, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) axes.set_title('Loading Matrix') axes.set_ylabel('Neuron ID') axes.set_xlabel('Latent Variable') divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) colorbar = plt.colorbar(heatmap, cax=cax) colorbar.set_label('Latent Variable Weight') return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_dimensions_vs_time(returned_data, gpfa_instance, dimensions='all', orthonormalized_dimensions=True, n_trials_to_plot=20, trial_grouping_dict=None, colors='grey', plot_single_trajectories=True, plot_group_averages=False, n_columns=2, plot_args_single={'linewidth': 0.3, 'alpha': 0.4, 'linestyle': '-'}, plot_args_average={'linewidth': 2, 'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': 'dashdot'}, figure_args=dict(figsize=(10, 10))): """ This function plots all latent space state dimensions versus time. It is a wrapper for the function plot_single_dimension_vs_time and places the single plot onto a grid. Optional visual aids are offered such as grouping the trials and color coding their traces. Changes to optics of the plot can be applied by providing respective dictionaries. This function is an adaption of the MATLAB implementation by Byron Yu which was published with his paper: Yu et al., J Neurophysiol, 2009. Parameters ---------- returned_data : np.ndarray or dict When the length of `returned_data` is one, a single np.ndarray, containing the requested data (the first entry in `returned_data` keys list), is returned. Otherwise, a dict of multiple np.ndarrays with the keys identical to the data names in `returned_data` is returned. N-th entry of each np.ndarray is a np.ndarray of the following shape, specific to each data type, containing the corresponding data for the n-th trial: `latent_variable_orth`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `latent_variable`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `y`: (#units, #bins) np.ndarray `Vsm`: (#latent_vars, #latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `VsmGP`: (#bins, #bins, #latent_vars) np.ndarray Note that the num. of bins (#bins) can vary across trials, reflecting the trial durations in the given `spiketrains` data. gpfa_instance : GPFA Instance of the GPFA() class in elephant, which was used to obtain `returned_data`. dimensions : 'all' or int or list of int, optional Dimensions to plot. Default: 'all' orthonormalized_dimensions : bool, optional Boolean which specifies whether to plot the orthonormalized latent state space dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable_orth' in returned data (True) or the unconstrained dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable' (False). Beware that the unconstrained state space dimensions 'latent_variable' are not ordered by their explained variance. These dimensions each represent one Gaussian process timescale $\tau$. On the contrary, the orthonormalized dimensions 'latent_variable_orth' are ordered by decreasing explained variance, allowing a similar intuitive interpretation to the dimensions obtained in a PCA. Due to the orthonormalization, these dimensions reflect mixtures of timescales. Default: True n_trials_to_plot : int, optional Number of single trial trajectories to plot. Default: 20 trial_grouping_dict : dict or None Dictionary which specifies the groups of trials which belong together (e.g. due to same trial type). Each item specifies one group: its key defines the group name (which appears in the legend) and the corresponding value is a list or np.ndarray of trial IDs. Default: None colors : str or list of str, optional List of strings specifying the colors of the different trial groups. The length of this list should correspond to the number of items in trial_grouping_dict. In case a string is given, all trials will share the same color unless `trial_grouping_dict` is specified, in which case colors will be set automatically to correspond to individual groups. Default: 'grey' plot_single_trajectories : bool, optional If True, single trial trajectories are plotted. Default: True plot_group_averages : bool, optional If True, trajectories of those trials belonging together specified in the trial_grouping_dict are averaged and plotted. Default: False n_columns : int, optional Number of columns of the grid onto which the single plots are placed. The number of rows are deduced from the number of dimensions to be plotted. Default: 2 plot_args_single : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the single trajectories. plot_args_average : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the average trajectories. figure_args : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure(), if ax is None. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- In the following example, we calculate the neural trajectories of 20 independent Poisson spike trains recorded in 50 trials with randomized rates up to 100 Hz and plot the resulting orthonormalized latent state space dimensions. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import quantities as pq from elephant.gpfa import GPFA from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process from viziphant.gpfa import plot_dimensions_vs_time np.random.seed(24) n_trials = 10 n_channels = 5 data = [] for trial in range(n_trials): firing_rates = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, size=n_channels) * pq.Hz spike_times = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=rate) for rate in firing_rates] data.append(spike_times) gpfa = GPFA(bin_size=20 *, x_dim=3, verbose=False) results = gpfa.transform(data, returned_data=['latent_variable_orth', 'latent_variable']) plot_dimensions_vs_time( returned_data=results, gpfa_instance=gpfa, dimensions=[0, 2], orthonormalized_dimensions=True, n_columns=1) """ if dimensions == 'all': dimensions = list(range(gpfa_instance.x_dim)) elif isinstance(dimensions, int): dimensions = [dimensions] n_columns = min(n_columns, len(dimensions)) # deduce n_rows from n_columns n_rows = math.ceil(len(dimensions) / n_columns) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_columns, sharex=True, sharey=True, **figure_args) axes = np.atleast_2d(axes) if axes.shape[0] == 1: # (1, n) -> (n, 1) axes = axes.T data = _check_input_data(returned_data, orthonormalized_dimensions) if trial_grouping_dict is None: trial_grouping_dict = {} colors = _check_colors(colors, trial_grouping_dict, n_trials=data.shape[0]) n_trials = data.shape[0] bin_size = gpfa_instance.bin_size.item() for dimension_index, axis in zip(dimensions, np.ravel(axes)): if plot_single_trajectories: for trial_idx in range(min(n_trials, n_trials_to_plot)): dat = data[trial_idx] key_id, trial_type = _get_trial_type(trial_grouping_dict, trial_idx) # plot single trial trajectories times = np.arange(1, dat.shape[1] + 1) * bin_size axis.plot(times, dat[dimension_index, :], color=colors[key_id], label=trial_type, **plot_args_single) if plot_group_averages: for color, trial_type in zip(colors, trial_grouping_dict.keys()): group_average = data[trial_grouping_dict[trial_type]].mean() times = np.arange(1, group_average.shape[1] + 1) * bin_size axis.plot(times, group_average[dimension_index], color=color, label=trial_type, **plot_args_average) _set_title_dimensions_vs_time( ax=axis, latent_variable_idx=dimension_index, orthonormalized_dimensions=orthonormalized_dimensions, data=data, gpfa_instance=gpfa_instance) _show_unique_legend(axes=axes[0, 0]) plt.tight_layout() for axis in axes[-1, :]: axis.set_xlabel(f'Time ({gpfa_instance.bin_size.dimensionality})') return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_trajectories(returned_data, gpfa_instance, dimensions=[0, 1], block_with_cut_trials=None, neo_event_name=None, relevant_events=None, orthonormalized_dimensions=True, n_trials_to_plot=20, trial_grouping_dict=None, colors='grey', plot_group_averages=False, plot_args_single={'linewidth': 0.3, 'alpha': 0.4, 'linestyle': '-'}, plot_args_marker={'alpha': 0.4, 'markersize': 5}, plot_args_average={'linewidth': 2, 'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': 'dashdot'}, plot_args_marker_start={'marker': 'p', 'markersize': 10, 'label': 'start'}, figure_kwargs=dict()): """ This function allows for 2D and 3D visualization of the latent space variables identified by the GPFA. Optional visual aids are offered such as grouping the trials and color coding their traces. Changes to optics of the plot can be applied by providing respective dictionaries. This function is an adaption of the MATLAB implementation by Byron Yu which was published with his paper: Yu et al., J Neurophysiol, 2009. Parameters ---------- returned_data : np.ndarray or dict When the length of `returned_data` is one, a single np.ndarray, containing the requested data (the first entry in `returned_data` keys list), is returned. Otherwise, a dict of multiple np.ndarrays with the keys identical to the data names in `returned_data` is returned. N-th entry of each np.ndarray is a np.ndarray of the following shape, specific to each data type, containing the corresponding data for the n-th trial: `latent_variable_orth`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `latent_variable`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `y`: (#units, #bins) np.ndarray `Vsm`: (#latent_vars, #latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `VsmGP`: (#bins, #bins, #latent_vars) np.ndarray Note that the num. of bins (#bins) can vary across trials, reflecting the trial durations in the given `spiketrains` data. gpfa_instance : GPFA Instance of the GPFA() class in elephant, which was used to obtain returned_data. dimensions : list of int, optional List specifying the indices of the dimensions to use for the 2D or 3D plot. Default: [0, 1] block_with_cut_trials : neo.Block or None, optional The neo.Block should contain each single trial as a separate neo.Segment including the neo.Event with a specified `neo_event_name`. Default: None neo_event_name : str or None, optional A string specifying the name of the neo.Event which should be used to identify the event times and labels of the `relevant_events`. Default: None relevant_events : list of str or None, optional List of names of the event labels that should be plotted onto each single trial trajectory. Default: None orthonormalized_dimensions : bool, optional Boolean which specifies whether to plot the orthonormalized latent state space dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable_orth' in returned data (True) or the unconstrained dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable' (False). Beware that the unconstrained state space dimensions 'latent_variable' are not ordered by their explained variance. These dimensions each represent one Gaussian process timescale $\tau$. On the contrary, the orthonormalized dimensions 'latent_variable_orth' are ordered by decreasing explained variance, allowing a similar intuitive interpretation to the dimensions obtained in a PCA. Due to the orthonormalization, these dimensions reflect mixtures of timescales. Default: True n_trials_to_plot : int, optional Number of single trial trajectories to plot. If zero, no single trial trajectories will be shown. Default: 20 trial_grouping_dict : dict or None, optional Dictionary which specifies the groups of trials which belong together (e.g. due to same trial type). Each item specifies one group: its key defines the group name (which appears in the legend) and the corresponding value is a list or np.ndarray of trial IDs. Default: None colors : str or list of str, optional List of strings specifying the colors of the different trial groups. The length of this list should correspond to the number of items in trial_grouping_dict. In case a string is given, all trials will share the same color unless `trial_grouping_dict` is specified, in which case colors will be set automatically to correspond to individual groups. Default: 'grey' plot_group_averages : bool, optional If True, trajectories of those trials belonging together specified in the trial_grouping_dict are averaged and plotted. Default: False plot_args_single : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the single trajectories. plot_args_marker : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() for the single trial events. plot_args_average : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the average trajectories. if ax is None. plot_args_marker_start : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() for the marker of the average trajectory start. figure_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ``plt.figure()``. Default: {} Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Examples -------- In the following example, we calculate the neural trajectories of 20 independent Poisson spike trains recorded in 50 trials with randomized rates up to 100 Hz and plot the resulting orthonormalized latent state space dimensions. >>> import numpy as np >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.gpfa import GPFA >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process >>> from viziphant.gpfa import plot_trajectories >>> data = [] >>> for trial in range(50): >>> n_channels = 20 >>> firing_rates = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, ... size=n_channels) * pq.Hz >>> spike_times = [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=rate) ... for rate in firing_rates] >>> data.append(spike_times) ... >>> gpfa = GPFA(bin_size=20*, x_dim=8) >>> >>> results = gpfa.transform(data, returned_data=['latent_variable_orth', ... 'latent_variable']) >>> trial_id_lists = np.arange(50).reshape(5,10) >>> trial_group_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] >>> trial_grouping_dict = {} >>> for trial_group_name, trial_id_list in zip(trial_group_names, ... trial_id_lists): >>> trial_grouping_dict[trial_group_name] = trial_id_list ... >>> plot_trajectories( ... results, ... gpfa, ... dimensions=[0,1,2], ... trial_grouping_dict=trial_grouping_dict, ... plot_group_averages=True) """ # prepare the input projection, n_dimensions = _check_dimensions(gpfa_instance, dimensions) data = _check_input_data(returned_data, orthonormalized_dimensions) if trial_grouping_dict is None: trial_grouping_dict = {} colors = _check_colors(colors, trial_grouping_dict, n_trials=data.shape[0]) # infer n_trial from shape of the data n_trials = data.shape[0] # initialize figure and axis fig = plt.figure(**figure_kwargs) axes = fig.gca(projection=projection, aspect='auto') # loop over trials for trial_idx in range(min(n_trials, n_trials_to_plot)): dat = data[trial_idx][dimensions, :] key_id, trial_type = _get_trial_type(trial_grouping_dict, trial_idx) color = colors[key_id] axes.plot(*dat, color=color, label=trial_type, **plot_args_single) # plot single trial events if block_with_cut_trials and neo_event_name and relevant_events: time_bins_with_relevant_event, relevant_event_labels = \ _get_event_times_and_labels(block_with_cut_trials, trial_idx, neo_event_name, relevant_events, gpfa_instance) marker = itertools.cycle(Line2D.filled_markers) for event_time, event_label in zip( time_bins_with_relevant_event, relevant_event_labels): dat_event = [[dat_dim[event_time]] for dat_dim in dat] axes.plot(*dat_event, marker=next(marker), label=event_label, color=color, **plot_args_marker) if plot_group_averages: for color, trial_type in zip(colors, trial_grouping_dict.keys()): group_average = data[trial_grouping_dict[trial_type]].mean() group_average = group_average[dimensions, :] axes.plot(*group_average, color=color, label=trial_type, **plot_args_average) axes.plot(*group_average[:, 0], color=color, **plot_args_marker_start) _set_axis_labels_trajectories(axes, orthonormalized_dimensions, dimensions) _show_unique_legend(axes=axes) plt.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_trajectories_spikeplay(spiketrains, returned_data, gpfa_instance, dimensions=[0, 1], speed=0.2, orthonormalized_dimensions=True, n_trials_to_plot=20, trial_grouping_dict=None, colors='grey', plot_group_averages=False, hide_irrelevant_neurons=False, plot_args_single={'linewidth': 0.3, 'alpha': 0.4, 'linestyle': '-'}, plot_args_average={'linewidth': 2, 'alpha': 1, 'linestyle': 'dashdot'}, plot_args_marker_start={'marker': 'p', 'markersize': 10, 'label': 'start'}, eventplot_kwargs=dict(), slider_kwargs=dict(), animation_kwargs=dict(blit=True, repeat=True), figure_kwargs=dict()): r""" This function allows for 2D and 3D visualization of the latent space variables identified by the GPFA. Optional visual aids are offered such as grouping the trials and color coding their traces. Changes to optics of the plot can be applied by providing respective dictionaries. This function is an adaption of the MATLAB implementation by Byron Yu which was published with his paper: Yu et al., J Neurophysiol, 2009. Parameters ---------- returned_data : np.ndarray or dict When the length of `returned_data` is one, a single np.ndarray, containing the requested data (the first entry in `returned_data` keys list), is returned. Otherwise, a dict of multiple np.ndarrays with the keys identical to the data names in `returned_data` is returned. N-th entry of each np.ndarray is a np.ndarray of the following shape, specific to each data type, containing the corresponding data for the n-th trial: `latent_variable_orth`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `latent_variable`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `y`: (#units, #bins) np.ndarray `Vsm`: (#latent_vars, #latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `VsmGP`: (#bins, #bins, #latent_vars) np.ndarray Note that the num. of bins (#bins) can vary across trials, reflecting the trial durations in the given `spiketrains` data. gpfa_instance : GPFA Instance of the GPFA() class in elephant, which was used to obtain returned_data. dimensions : list of int, optional List specifying the indices of the dimensions to use for the 2D or 3D plot. Default: [0, 1] speed : float, optional The animation speed. Default: 0.2 orthonormalized_dimensions : bool, optional Boolean which specifies whether to plot the orthonormalized latent state space dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable_orth' in returned data (True) or the unconstrained dimension corresponding to the entry 'latent_variable' (False). Beware that the unconstrained state space dimensions 'latent_variable' are not ordered by their explained variance. These dimensions each represent one Gaussian process timescale $\tau$. On the contrary, the orthonormalized dimensions 'latent_variable_orth' are ordered by decreasing explained variance, allowing a similar intuitive interpretation to the dimensions obtained in a PCA. Due to the orthonormalization, these dimensions reflect mixtures of timescales. Default: True n_trials_to_plot : int, optional Number of single trial trajectories to plot. If zero, no single trial trajectories will be shown. Default: 20 trial_grouping_dict : dict or None, optional Dictionary which specifies the groups of trials which belong together (e.g. due to same trial type). Each item specifies one group: its key defines the group name (which appears in the legend) and the corresponding value is a list or np.ndarray of trial IDs. Default: None colors : str or list of str, optional List of strings specifying the colors of the different trial groups. The length of this list should correspond to the number of items in trial_grouping_dict. In case a string is given, all trials will share the same color unless `trial_grouping_dict` is specified, in which case colors will be set automatically to correspond to individual groups. Default: 'grey' plot_group_averages : bool, optional If True, trajectories of those trials belonging together specified in the trial_grouping_dict are averaged and plotted. Default: False hide_irrelevant_neurons : bool, optional If True, neural activity will be shaded according to the influence of a neuron on the chosen latent `dimensions`. The influence is estimated as a normalized L1-norm of the columns of the pseudo-inverse of `Corth` matrix: .. math:: X \approx C_{\text{orth}}^{\dagger} Y where :math:`Y` is (zero-mean) neuronal firing rates, estimated from spikes, and :math:`X` - latent variables. Default: False plot_args_single : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the single trajectories. plot_args_average : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() of the average trajectories. if ax is None. plot_args_marker_start : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ax.plot() for the marker of the average trajectory start. eventplot_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ``plt.eventplot()``. Default: {} slider_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments dictionary for a slider passed to ``ax.axvline()``. Default: {} animation_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ``animation.FuncAnimation()``. figure_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments dictionary passed to ``plt.figure()``. Default: {} Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes spikeplay : matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation Matplotlib animation that can be saved in a GIF or a video file. .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.animation as animation"gpfa.gif") writergif = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=60)"", writer=writergif) """ # Input spiketrains that were binned must share the same t_start and t_stop check_neo_consistency(spiketrains, object_type=neo.SpikeTrain) units = spiketrains[0].units t_start = spiketrains[0].t_start.item() # prepare the input projection, n_dimensions = _check_dimensions(gpfa_instance, dimensions) data = _check_input_data(returned_data, orthonormalized_dimensions) if trial_grouping_dict is None: trial_grouping_dict = {} colors = _check_colors(colors, trial_grouping_dict, n_trials=data.shape[0]) # infer n_trial from shape of the data n_trials = data.shape[0] n_trials_to_plot = min(n_trials, n_trials_to_plot) # initialize figure and axis fig = plt.figure(**figure_kwargs) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection=projection, aspect='auto', title="GPFA latent trajectories") if hide_irrelevant_neurons: Corth = gpfa_instance.params_estimated['Corth'] Corth_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Corth) l1_norm = np.linalg.norm(Corth_inv[dimensions], ord=1, axis=0) l1_norm /= l1_norm.max() # TODO Use efficient vectorized eventplot call once # is resolved. for st_id, st in enumerate(spiketrains): ax1.eventplot(st.magnitude, alpha=l1_norm[st_id], lineoffsets=st_id + 1, **eventplot_kwargs) else: ax1.eventplot([st.magnitude for st in spiketrains], **eventplot_kwargs) ax1.set_yticks([0, len(spiketrains) - 1]) ax1.set_ylabel("Neuron") ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.02, 0.5) ax1.set_xlabel(f"Time ({units.dimensionality})") ymin, ymax = ax1.get_ylim() slider = ax1.axvline(x=t_start, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, **slider_kwargs) bin_size = gpfa_instance.bin_size.rescale(units).item() empty_data = [[]] * n_dimensions lines_trials = [] for trial_idx in range(n_trials_to_plot): dat = data[trial_idx][dimensions, :] key_id, trial_type = _get_trial_type(trial_grouping_dict, trial_idx) ax2.plot(*dat, alpha=0) # to setup the plot limits color = colors[key_id] line, = ax2.plot(*empty_data, color=color, label=trial_type, **plot_args_single) lines_trials.append(line) lines_groups = [] group_averages = [] if plot_group_averages: for color, trial_type in zip(colors, trial_grouping_dict.keys()): group_average = data[trial_grouping_dict[trial_type]].mean() group_average = group_average[dimensions, :] group_averages.append(group_average) line, = ax2.plot(*empty_data, color=color, label=trial_type, **plot_args_average) lines_groups.append(line) ax2.plot(*group_average[:, 0], color=color, **plot_args_marker_start) _set_axis_labels_trajectories(ax2, orthonormalized_dimensions, dimensions) _show_unique_legend(axes=ax2) plt.tight_layout() def interpolate(data_orig, iteration): bin_id = int(iteration) residual = iteration - bin_id data = data_orig[:, :bin_id] if bin_id < data_orig.shape[1]: # append an intermediate point vec = data_orig[:, bin_id] - data_orig[:, bin_id - 1] data = np.c_[data, data_orig[:, bin_id - 1] + vec * residual] return data def line_set_data(line, data): line.set_data(data[0, :], data[1, :]) if n_dimensions == 3: line.set_3d_properties(data[2, :]) def animate(iteration): slider.set_xdata(iteration * bin_size + t_start) bin_id = int(iteration) if bin_id == 0: # The first bin dynamics cannot be interpolated due to the # absence of previous bin dynamics. return slider, for data_trial, line in zip(data, lines_trials): data_trial = interpolate(data_trial[dimensions], iteration=iteration) line_set_data(line, data_trial) for group_average, line in zip(group_averages, lines_groups): group_average = interpolate(group_average, iteration=iteration) line_set_data(line, group_average) artists = [slider, *lines_trials, *lines_groups] return artists # GPFA implementation allows different n_bins. So does viziphant. n_time_bins = gpfa_instance.transform_info['num_bins'].max() time_steps = np.arange(speed, n_time_bins + speed, speed) interval = speed * gpfa_instance.bin_size.rescale('ms').item() spikeplay = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=time_steps, interval=interval, **animation_kwargs) return fig, [ax1, ax2], spikeplay
def _check_input_data(returned_data, orthonormalized_dimensions): # by default returned_data is an array containing the # orthonormalized posterior mean of latent variable if isinstance(returned_data, np.ndarray): return returned_data if isinstance(returned_data, dict): if orthonormalized_dimensions: return returned_data['latent_variable_orth'] if 'latent_variable' in returned_data.keys(): return returned_data['latent_variable'] raise ValueError("The latent variables before " "orthonormalization 'latent_variable' are not in the " "returned data") def _check_colors(colors, trial_grouping_dict, n_trials): if trial_grouping_dict: if isinstance(colors, str) or len(colors) != len(trial_grouping_dict): colors = [f'C{i}' for i in range(len(trial_grouping_dict))] elif isinstance(colors, str): colors = [colors] * n_trials return colors def _check_dimensions(gpfa_instance, dimensions): n_dimensions = len(dimensions) if gpfa_instance.x_dim < n_dimensions: raise ValueError(f"GPFA trajectories dimensionality " f"({gpfa_instance.x_dim}) is lower than the " f"requested ({n_dimensions})") if n_dimensions not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Pick only 2 or 3 dimensions to visualize.") projection = None if n_dimensions == 2 else '3d' return projection, n_dimensions def _get_trial_type(trial_grouping_dict, trial_idx): for key_id, (trial_type, trial_ids) in enumerate( trial_grouping_dict.items()): if trial_idx in trial_ids: return key_id, trial_type return 0, None def _set_title_dimensions_vs_time(ax, latent_variable_idx, orthonormalized_dimensions, data, gpfa_instance): if orthonormalized_dimensions: title = r'$\tilde{{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{},:}}$'.format( latent_variable_idx) # percentage of variance of the dimensionality reduced data # that is explained by this latent variable variances = np.var(np.hstack(data), axis=1) total_variance = np.sum(variances) explained_variance = variances[latent_variable_idx] / total_variance title = title + f'% exp. var.: {explained_variance * 100:.2f} %' else: title = r"${{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{},:}}$".format(latent_variable_idx) # time scale of the gaussian process associated to this latent variable gamma = gpfa_instance.params_estimated['gamma'][latent_variable_idx] GP_time_scale = np.round(gpfa_instance.bin_size / np.sqrt(gamma), 2) title = title + rf'$\tau$: {GP_time_scale}' ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16) def _set_axis_labels_trajectories(ax, orthonormalized_dimensions, dimensions): if orthonormalized_dimensions: str1 = rf"$\tilde{{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[0]}}}$" str2 = rf"$\tilde{{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[1]}}}$" if len(dimensions) == 3: str3 = rf"$\tilde{{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[2]}}}$" else: str1 = rf"${{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[0]}}}$" str2 = rf"${{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[1]}}}$" if len(dimensions) == 3: str3 = rf"${{\mathbf{{x}}}}_{{{dimensions[2]}}}$" ax.set_xlabel(str1, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(str2, fontsize=16) if len(dimensions) == 3: ax.set_zlabel(str3, fontsize=16) def _get_event_times_and_labels(block_with_cut_trials, trial_idx, neo_event_name, relevant_events, gpfa_instance): trial_events = block_with_cut_trials.segments[trial_idx].filter( objects='Event', name=neo_event_name)[0] # get mask for the relevant events mask = np.zeros(trial_events.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'].shape, dtype='bool') for event in relevant_events: mask = np.logical_or( mask, trial_events.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'] == event) # cheating by converting event times to binned spiketrain t_start = block_with_cut_trials.segments[trial_idx].t_start t_stop = block_with_cut_trials.segments[trial_idx].t_stop event_spiketrain = neo.SpikeTrain(trial_events.times[mask], t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) bin_size = gpfa_instance.bin_size binned_event_spiketrain = BinnedSpikeTrain( event_spiketrain, bin_size=bin_size).to_array().flatten() time_bins_with_relevant_event = np.nonzero(binned_event_spiketrain)[0] relevant_event_labels = \ trial_events.array_annotations['trial_event_labels'][[mask]] return time_bins_with_relevant_event, relevant_event_labels def _show_unique_legend(axes): # only plot unique labels handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(handles) == 0: # no labels have been provided return by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) axes.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())